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Quilting has traditional quilting machine to computerized quilting machine development

Release Date: 2012/7/25 15:49:48 Total access[3015]Times

  Quilting machine control system design

  Analysis of truss joints machine working principle and function, the quilting machine control system hardware structure and software design are analyzed and studied, put forward with remote communication function and quilting design thought, and solve with the quilted fabric thicker figure more variable problem.

  Computer vision into the quilting machine industry, developed a system for automatic generation of work, so that the majority of quilting machine operators can develop spent, design production, solve the traditional Quilting machine automatic programming, low level programming cycle length which restricts the quilting products the production efficiency of the "bottleneck" problem, promote the industry development.

  Computerized quilting machine remote monitoring system, and establish a new scheme of remote monitoring model of network architecture and communication protocol model, and according to the computer quilting machine remote monitoring system for the actual research and development.

News source: HengYeJiXie
