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Buy mattress when the need to pay attention to the local

Release Date: 2012/9/3 14:35:53 Total access[3470]Times

In this highly competitive twenty-first Century, people life rhythm is fast, mental stress, sleep time is relatively shortened 1/3, so high quality sleep is very important, at this time, a let you sleep a comfortable mattress will appear particularly important.

Mattress, safety and environmental protection.Not for the fabric pattern around, attention should be paid to the fabric itself.The sale of mattress fabric is woven cotton cloth and chemical fiber cloth.Some imported knitted cotton cloth except more solid, hygiene, surface after antibacterial treatment, more in line with the requirements of healthy sleep.In addition, you also need to view the interior of the mattress is defective, in order to avoid the foul which.

More mattress machine factory production, mattresses are generally are of 3 basic types, that is, foam filled type and spring.High quality foam mattress should be at least 11 cm thick, if the thickness is not enough, not to buy.Stuffed mattress bear ability depends on its elasticity and filling quality, and whether there is a resilient base support.Spring mattress quality depends on the number of springs, the more the better.Spring mattress spring number average around 500, at least not less than 288, some of the spring mattress can be up to 1000, the more the better.

And don"t forget to bed.In order to let your mattress is longer, we suggest you to choose bed.Markor mattress three wooden bed system, like the automobile shock absorber, which provides strength to support, but also is more than similar products of vibration absorption of more than 6 times, the mattress is more durable, this is also the mattress machinery manufacturers have repeatedly emphasized points of attention.

Feel comfortable.Recommendations based on sleep habits to choose suitable for soft and hard mattress, in older to choose the best hardness is moderate or slightly soft, young people should choose the hard mattress.In addition, you can lie to the mattress, feel whether it can and neck, back, waist, hips, legs of the natural curve fit completely, so it is soft hard moderate mattress.

News source: HengYeJiXie
